Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Christmas activities

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A message from Slovenia

Last week we received a message from our colleague Green George. Our agent Sipsik together with the 5th and 6th year students tried to resolve the code, but there are still questions to be answered. The coming Christmas and the winter holidays will give us time to think about it.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Art History Lessons

This week the chosen major national artists and their famous portraits have been discussed in art lessons.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Questionnaire - Mind Mapping 'Estonia'

Steps by forming questions about Estonia:
- All the students formed their questions;
- Form 6 used them by editing a Mind map in Mindmeister
What do you know about Estonia?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Riddle resolved!

Mirjam (Form 3) was the first pupil who managed to resolve the riddle.
Now we know which paintings have been stolen: 3 famous PORTRAITS.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dad's Portraits in the Hall

You can see an exhibition of our pupils' dads' portraits in the hall with short written descriptions since the Father's Day.

Quiz about France

The winner of the quiz is Triinu (Form 3). Congratulations!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ideas for the Estonian agent on display

The results of the brainstorming about the Estonian agent on display in classroom 1.
The most popular idea was SIPSIK (4 pupils)
-The FULL ALERT is also displayed
-as well as the French agent Elia's letters (translation into Estonian by forms 5.-6.)
-and the picture of the SLOVENIAN agent.

Questions for the France-Quiz were discussed/formed with the forms 1.-2.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Questions for the France-Quiz

Tasks for students:
- Form questions about one slide of the French PP country-village-school presentation (on display in classroom 2);
- Present your questions to the class;
- Answer them together with the class.

Nov, 10
Forms 3.- 4.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Team meeting

Tasks for the next weeks:
  • Art
  1. Drawing the Estonian secret agent;
  2. Crafting him/her;
  3. Making the budget for the art lessons materials;
  4. Picking out the Estonian artists and their portraits.
  • English
  1. Translating the Elia's diary and the Full Alert;
  2. Solving the French questionnaire;
  3. Sorting out the best France-experts;
  4. Puzzling out the theme of the 1st round;
  5. Describing the chosen portraits.
  • Mother tongue
  1. Organizing a display/competition in order to sort out the best idea for the Estonian secret agent;
  2. Searching about the agent and finding out his/her character.
  3. Describing the chosen portraits.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Display in classroom 2

Display in classroom 2:
  • The French PP-presentation about their school ;
  • Questionnaire What do you know about us? - France
  • 1st extract from the French agent's (Elia) diary.
Nov, 3rd:
  1. Listening to the French anthem ;
  2. Brainstorming about/painting the Estonian national agent;
  3. Translating into Estonian the 1st extract from Elia's diary.
Forms 3-4 (1., 2.)
Forms 5-6 (2., 3.)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Full alert to all agents!

3 portraits by major French artists have been stolen from museums in 3 different countries, and it appears that other museums all over Europe are threatened.
So, we have to start our mission!

Nov, 2nd
  1. Studying the French PP-presentation about their school;
  2. Composing a questionnaire about Estonia;
  3. Brainstorming about/painting the Estonian national agent.
Forms 3-4 (1., 2.)
Forms 5-6 (1., 2., 3.)
Forms 1-2 (2., 3.)


Monday, October 26, 2009

Presentations in TwinSpace

Et olla suur, peab olema olnud väike.

Pour etre grand, il faut avoir été petit. (d'Agoult)

At the end of the first term we could upload our presentations (pupils and school) in the new TwinSpace.

Next term we are going to find out some more about the Estonian national agent.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Preparing the School and Pupils Presentation

Our activities during the last weeks:
Forms I-VI
  • taking pictures
  • writing comments to the photos
  • translating comments into English (Oliver)
  • drawing and writing self-portraits

Monday, September 21, 2009

Grant Contract

We received the signed Comenius Grant Contract.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September the 10th - 1st team meeting

Division of tasks for the next week:
Taking photos and writing short comments for the school presentation.
Forms 1.-5.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Teachers' Team

The members of our Comenius Team:
  • Inga - English, ICT
  • Tiiu - Art
  • Kärt - Estonian, History
  • Karin - Principal

Starting Comenius at school

The first lessons (classes 2-6):
1)Find the participating countries on the European/World map;
2)Colour the countries on our Comenius project label in the national/flag colours
3)Write the colours in English (2nd form)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Tabasalu Ühisgümnaasium
1. Loone Ots - Rahvuskultuuride eripära arvestamine rahvusvahelises koostöös
2. Haridustöö keskus - Lepingulised õigused ja kohustused
3. Märt Miljan - Milleks mulle sotsiaalmeedia
4. Tabasalu Ühisgümnaasium - Projektitöö kogemusest

Our 1st Comenius project (2009 - 2011)




Ecole Pablo Picasso - France
Neeme Algkool - Estonia
Plunge Academic Adolfas Jucys Basic School - Lithuania

o1.08.2009 - 31.07.2011