Steps by forming questions about Estonia:
- All the students formed their questions;
- Form 6 used them by editing a Mind map in Mindmeister
What do you know about Estonia?
Mirjam (Form 3) was the first pupil who managed to resolve the riddle. Congratulations! Now we know which paintings have been stolen: 3 famous PORTRAITS.
The results of the brainstorming about the Estonian agent on display in classroom 1. The most popular idea was SIPSIK (4 pupils) -The FULL ALERT is also displayed -as well as the French agent Elia's letters (translation into Estonian by forms 5.-6.) -and the picture of the SLOVENIAN agent.
Questions for the France-Quiz were discussed/formed with the forms 1.-2.
Tasks for students: - Form questions about one slide of the French PP country-village-school presentation (on display in classroom 2); - Present your questions to the class; - Answer them together with the class.
3 portraits by major French artists have been stolen from museums in 3 different countries, and it appears that other museums all over Europe are threatened. So, we have to start our mission!
Nov, 2nd
Studying the French PP-presentation about their school;
Composing a questionnaire about Estonia;
Brainstorming about/painting the Estonian national agent.
Forms 3-4 (1., 2.) Forms 5-6 (1., 2., 3.) Forms 1-2 (2., 3.)